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Creating Opportunities for Children 0-5 Years Old to Enhance Their Learning Development Through Play.

Our Locations

More than 1500 toy boxes available to check out, free of charge,  from 17 locations in South Dakota!
Find one close to you!

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Thank you FUMC!

We are very thankful for our new space!
The new space is bigger and beautiful!

Join us!

Come volunteer with us!
Together let's give more children the opportunity to learn through play!

Studies show that children ages 0-5 who play regularly have enhanced learning development in a variety of areas including problem-solving and communication, which can set them up for success from an early age. Our goal is to help as many children as possible reach their full potential. Will you help us reach our goal?

What we do

We create opportunities for children zero to five years old to enhance their learning development through play.

Why we do it

Play is the best way to learn. Play promotes creativity, physical and emotional health, and school readiness. 


How we do it

You borrow a toy box from one of our locations, free of charge. Take it home and play. Return it and borrow more!

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1 - Where are you located?
Our main office is located in the basement of the First United Methodist Church: 401 S Spring Ave, Sioux Falls, SD. 57104. We are very grateful for FUMC because they kindly share office space with the Toy Lending Library!

2 - What are your office hours?
Weather permitting, we are open to the public Monday - Thursday from 8am to noon.
Please call (605)215-0575 to make sure we are open.

3- Are there other places where I can borrow toy boxes?
Yes, there are other 16 locations where you can find our toy boxes. Thanks to our partners, more children have access to free educational toy boxes. We are very thankful for each one of them!


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